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Astral Logistics - Mixed media installation with virtual and augmented reality 2019
Astral Logistics is a Metaversal Religionator occurring simultaneously in several layers of extrareality. In our physical reality it manifests as a retail store, much like a cell phone or electronics boutique in a shopping mall or plaza. Within, one may preview intangible, impossible objects via augmented reality apparatuses and visit the realm of the Eleventy via virtual reality devices where the Religionator resides near the Rings of Saturn. In that level of reality, the demigod ExplosionHead is trapped in an iceteroid, but if you find your way to the next level, following clues left by the Most Splendiferous Unbeknownst Tufnel, you will find the truishest forms of ExplosionHead and the Eleventy!
Thesis here.
Astral Logistics installation at Ingenuity Fest, Cleveland, OH August 2019